BioEnergy Lists: Gasifiers & Gasification

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January 1997 Gasification Archive

For more messages see our 1996-2004 Gasification Discussion List Archives.

From koratpot at Wed Jan 1 03:00:09 1997
From: koratpot at (
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: HTW Syn-Gas Gasifier
Message-ID: <>

Date: 31 Dec 96 08:31:57 EST
From: Thomas Reed <73002.1213@CompuServe.COM>
To: Yrjo Solantausta <>,
Subject: GAS-L: Re: HTW Syn-Gas Gasifier


Commens? Where are all you 60 guys (sorry, humans) listed as members of
gasification. I would like to have a short note on each of your interests and a
comment on what you would like to see more of here in GASIFICATION. STOVES
(with about 30 members) is ten times as active as GASIFICATION.

Have a great New Year and new year, TOM REED

Dear Tom,
I signed up to this list in hope of learning something--I have
nothing to add. I'm at a Thai country pottery where we're running out
of wood, but have all sorts of agricultural waste lying around which
we can't burn in our kilns. I'm curious whether it might be possible
to turn it into gas, which I do know how to burn.
The whole of what I know about gasification comes from a Scientific
American article of years ago, where some Israeli scientists built a
huge solar tower to heat biomass up to produce hydrogen. I'm sure we
couldn't do that, but it has always piqued my imagination. I just got
connected to the Internet, and am trying to use it to replace the
library I don't have available.
So that accounts for one of the inactive guys on the list.
Happy New Year,


From TurboBiz at Wed Jan 1 11:17:54 1997
From: TurboBiz at (
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: gasification filtering
Message-ID: <>

I need some info on filtering exit gases (after combustion) from a gasifier.
Operating temp is 1400C, so there is not a lot of stuff left in our system.
After combusting 10 tons of MSW we had only a handful of ash. But we want to
ensure exit gases are
within EPA limits. Who makes a filter system for this?

John Lindsay


From houmoller at Thu Jan 2 05:57:13 1997
From: houmoller at (
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: More action on GASIFICATION
Message-ID: <>


Tom Reed wrote:
"Where are all you 60 guys (sorry, humans) listed as members of
gasification. I would like to have a short note on each of your interests
a comment on what you would like to see more of here in GASIFICATION."

I agree with Tom: The activity is really low. This must of course mean that
we are all too busy solving problems....

Can anyone help me out on the following:

For the Danish needs a small scale two-stage fluid bed concept has been
developed. What I want to know is: Are there any commercial fluid bed
gasifiers available, and in which sizes? If I can buy it, why invent it?

On my personal homepage I put up a short overview over most of the Danish
research and development projects. I intend to add my most recent paper to
the homepage soon. See the url below.


Soren Houmoller, M.Sc.
dk-TEKNIK Energy & Environment URL:


From brian at Thu Jan 2 12:14:59 1997
From: brian at (Brian Horne)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Re: HTW Syn-Gas Gasifier
In-Reply-To: <961231133157_73002.1213_FHM52-2@CompuServe.COM>
Message-ID: <>

Tom Reed asked:

>Commens? Where are all you 60 guys (sorry, humans) listed as members of
>gasification. I would like to have a short note on each of your interests and a
>comment on what you would like to see more of here in GASIFICATION

Fair enough.

My interest is in developing projects for the generation of electricity
and/or heat from forest residues and other sources of wood fuel,
primarily in the UK. I am therefore interested in what technology is
commercially available to do this, or might be available in the near

As regards electricity generation, there is support available in the UK
for projects using "gasification-by-partial-combustion or pyrolysis" to
produce gas or liquid fuels to drive a piston engine or gas turbine.
These (potential) projects are for grid connection, and generally need
to be several megawatts to be competitive.

The main technologies which interest me are, therefore:

1) Up-draft gasification with gas clean-up

2) Fast pyrolysis

While I am interested in all the technical details and problem solving
that is going on, what I really want to know is whether anyone can make
it work reliably and put a whole package together. I have therefore not
entered the discussion up till now, prefering to wait and see what's
going on.

I suppose what I would really like to see is a list of who's working on
what in this field, with some sort of indication of how close to
commercial availability the technology is. Given that that doesn't seem
very realistic, I'm just hanging about listening to what's going on.

Happy New Year,

Brian Horne


From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Thu Jan 2 23:44:22 1997
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Synthesis Gas from Peat, Biomass
Message-ID: <970103044039_73002.1213_FHM53-1@CompuServe.COM>

Gasification Net:

We have discussed the feasibility of making synthesis gas (for methanol and
ammonia ,...) from biomass and I recently listed three large facilities that had
accomplished this. Yrjo told me of a fourth and sent the following history,
saying if it worked for peat, it would be easy with wood chips:
To: Thomas Reed <73002.1213@CompuServe.COM>
From: Yrjo Solantausta <>
Subject: Re: HTW Syn-Gas Gasifier


I noticed Tom Miles answered already partly your question. HTW concept is a
German fluidized bed system, originally developed for lignite. Rheinbraun is
the licensor. A commercial plant was built by Uhde GmbH in the late 1980 at
Oulu (some 600 km north from Helsinki) at an existing ammonia plant. The
idea was to use peat syngas instead of heavy oil syngas. The plant was
operated only for a while, as the reduced cost of oil killed the feasibility
of this venture. However, it was a large facility (about 25 t/h milled
peat), and the largest of its kind in the world up today. Please find a few
references below.

Regards Yrjo

Peat based HTW-plant at Oulu, Koljonen, Jorma; Kurkela, Esa; Wil=E9n, Carl.
Bioresource Technology . Vol. 46 ( 1993) Nr: 1 - 2, pp. 95 - 102
Polttoainetekniikan laboratorio=20

Kurkela Esa. Status of peat and biomass gasification in Finland. Biomass
18(1989), s. 287 - 292.

Kurkela Esa, Sipil=E4 Kai & Koljonen J. Synthesis gas production from
Finnish peat by fluid-bed gasification. Energy from Biomass and Wastes X.
Washington, D.C., 7 - 10 April 1986. 15 s.

Sipil=E4 Kari, Kurkela Esa, Wilen Carl & Koljonen Jorma. Synthesis gas from
peat for ammonia production. 4th Eur. Conf. for Energy and Industry.
Orleans, France, 11 - 15 May 1987. 6 s.

Sipil=E4 Kai, Wilen Carl, Kurkela Esa, Moilanen Antero & Koljonen Jorma.=
ammonia plant in Oulu - synthesis gas products from peat by fluid-bed
gasification. Eur. Symp. Pyrolysis and Gasification. Luxembourg, 23 - 25 May

Koljonen Jorma & Kurkela Esa. Experiences in the operation of the HTW
process at the peat ammonia plant of Kemira Oy. KTM/VTT Symp. on Low-Grade
Fuels. Helsinki, 12 - 14 June 1989. Espoo 1989, Valtion teknillinen
tutkimuskeskus. S. 361 - 372.
I will certainly look these up and include in my book .......

Thanks, Yrjo, TOM REED



From 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM Fri Jan 3 12:38:23 1997
From: 73002.1213 at CompuServe.COM (Thomas Reed)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: gasification filtering
Message-ID: <970103173325_73002.1213_FHM51-8@CompuServe.COM>

Dear John:

You asked for

"info on filtering exit gases (after combustion) from a gasifier. Operating
temp is 1400C, so there is not a lot of stuff left in our system. After
combusting 10 tons of MSW we had only a handful of ash. But we want to ensure
exit gases are within EPA limits. Who makes a filter system for this?"

1400 C gases must be exiting from a combustor, not a gasifier. That is too hot
for any filter that I know of.

Gasifier exit temperatures are 900C at most, more likely 600C. One of the
attractions of gasifiers is that the gas can be filtered before combustion.
Cyclones work down to 10 microns, bag houses and ceramic candles much lower.

I will be interested in seeing what replies you get.

Yours truly, TOM REED



From npandit at Tue Jan 7 16:00:14 1997
From: npandit at (NITIN PANDIT)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: More action on GASIFICATION
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


Does anyone have a good reference on the properties and potential uses of
ash resulting from gasifiers operating under different conditions?

Nitin Pandit


From graeme.williams at Wed Jan 8 16:56:32 1997
From: graeme.williams at (GRAEME WILLIAMS)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: gasification filtering
Message-ID: <>

Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 11:15:20 -0500
> From:
> Subject: GAS-L: gasification filtering

> I need some info on filtering exit gases (after
> combustion) from a gasifier. Operating temp is 1400C, so
> there is not a lot of stuff left in our system. After
> combusting 10 tons of MSW we had only a
> handful of ash. But we want to ensure exit gases are
> within EPA limits. Who makes a filter system for this?
> John Lindsay

John, I'm interested in your problems of hot gas filtration after
combustion of the gas from your gasifier. As the fuel is MSW, I assume
the gasifier operates in the updraft mode or principle. Tom's suggestion
to use cyclones is one that we used back in 1981, but large amounts of
particulate under 10 microns still remain in the exit gas.
My concern however is what may be fixed in the fly ash, which if
discharged into the environment, or even collected becomes a toxic waste
disposal problem.

Dioxin formation will certainly have all the conditions present with MSW
fuel, when combusted or oxidised, my advisors assure me, becomes fixed
in the ash. Don't handle this stuff without taking saftey precautions.

Because you are not saying what you are doing with the combusted gas
stream, it is difficult to offer a practical suggestion or system best
suited to your installation. Can you expand on how you are using the


Doug Williams
Fluidyne Gasification
+64 9 8386132
PO Box 21583
Henderson, Auckland
New Zealand


* 2qwk!1.26b4* They who live in glass houses may as well answer the door


From asw at Mon Jan 13 19:45:41 1997
From: asw at (Andrew S. Waegel)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Mind those domain names!
Message-ID: <v03007818af0079fbd036@[]>


Andrew Waegel here from CREST, the folks 'behind the scenes' of these
mailing lists.

I'm passing on a request from our friends at Crest Graphics, owners of the
'' domain, which has received numerous messages from folks
attemting to communicate with these lists, which are of course serviced by
the ''.

The request is, simply, to mind the email addresses of these lists when
sending messages or telling others about the lists - remember to use
'', not ''.

This will help to minimize any further confusion.

Thanks very much, and apologies for the intrusion.

Best Regards,

- Andrew

...Andrew Services Manager...Center for
...Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology...



From at Thu Jan 16 05:09:30 1997
From: at (David Chiaramonti - Angela Grassi)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Small Electricity Generator
Message-ID: <>

Dear Carol,

ETA is involved in Renewables Energies and Desalination/Water Projects.
We're now wotking to a JOULE III project named DESERESCUE: it is a
feasibility study which aims to rescue arid coastal areas in
Mediterranean Countries (and abroad) by means of a bio-energy scheme.
In other words, the energy necessary to desalinate sea water is provided
by a small scale bio-energy system. The biomass tyep, considering
local climate condition, has to be some kind of energy crops.
The partners to this Project are:
ITER (Canarie, Spain): Manuel Cendagorta, Marcos Oramas
CENET (Munich, Germany): H.P.Grimm
IFP (Braunschweig, Germany): N.El Bassam
Therefore, we're very interested in these small scale systems. If you,
or someone you know, could provide some real example of these units
we'll be glad to contact him.
The generator should provide approx. 100 kW or, alternatively, power in
the range 400-600 kW.


. all the best for the New Year,




From tmiles at Fri Jan 17 15:15:03 1997
From: tmiles at (Tom Miles)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Bioenergy Email Lists and Commands
Message-ID: <>


The bioenergy mailing lists are hosted by the Center for Renewable Energy &
Sustainable Technologies(CREST) for industry, academia and government to
discuss biomass production and conversion to energy. There are four lists

o Bioenergy (
Moderator: Tom Miles (
(Other Volunteers are Welcome!)

o Gasification (
Moderators: Tom Reed (73002.1213@CompuServe.COM)
Estoban Chornet (

o Anaerobic Digestion (
Moderators: Phil Lusk (
Richard Nelson (
Dave Stephenson (

o Stoves (
Moderators: Ronal Larson(,
Etienne Moerman (

Current subscribers to the lists are engaged in the research and commercial
production of biomass crops and fuels, the conversion of biomass power in
commercial operating plants, the construction and testing of commercial
scale pilot facilities for combustion, gasification and anaerobic
digestion, testing and analysis of environmental impacts for bioenergy, and
promotion and planning of future bioenergy resources.

This is a cooperative, volunteer effort that is now in it's third year. The
lists are moderated and managed by volunteers. We appreciate the support of
the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies and the
National Bioenergy Industries Association for hosting the lists at their


While there is no fee to subscribe to the lists contributions are welcome
and will be necessary to sustain the lists. Please contact Tom Miles


To subscribe to the BIOENERGY Lists from any internet email address, please
send email to MAJORDOMO@CREST.ORG with the message

SUBSCRIBE list-name YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS <=three word command
(Example: subscribe bioenergy

To post a message to all members on the list, please address it to

UNSUBSCRIBE list-name YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS <=three word command
(Example: unsubscribe bioenergy

Note: If you send a subscribe/unsubscribe command for an email address that
is different from the one known to the list server - for example, you may
send a subscribe command on behalf of someone else - then your message will
go to the list moderator for approval.

OTHER COMMANDS - Send email to with the command 'help'.

Messages are archived at CREST using hypermail. The archives can be viewed
and sorted by date, subject or thread using a WWW browser at URL (or
as indicated above). CREST (Solstice) also supports WWW, gopher and ftp
for renewable energy at

Each list also has a digest, a collection of messages that is issued
periodically. This may be useful if you want to receive messages in a batch.
Subscribe to the as indicated above.
(Example: subscribe

World Wide Web
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~


Anonymous FTP
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

You can contact CREST at +1 202 289-5370,
or by sending email to

Please direct questions to the bioenergy list administrators:
Tom Miles, Jr.,
Zach Nobel

Tom Miles, Jr. Thomas R. Miles Consulting Design Engineer 5475 SW Arrowwood Lane
Tel (503) 591-1947 Fax (503) 292-2919 Portland, Oregon, USA 97225-1353


From jwshum at Sat Jan 18 11:17:44 1997
From: jwshum at (John Shumate)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Wood as a BioMass Fuel
Message-ID: <>

I would like to receive any information you can provide on using wood to
generate electricity. I run a small sawmill and have plenty of wood
scrap which is currently just wasting away in large piles.

Any information you can provide on equipment, plans for gasification,
etc. would be greatly appreciated....

My email address is:

My mail address is: John Shumate
4303 S.E. 23rd Terrace
Kansas 66542

Thanks for the information.


From bourgois at Sun Jan 19 17:09:33 1997
From: bourgois at (Frederic Bourgois)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: video on biomass gasification for electricity production
Message-ID: <>


Does anyone know where we can find video's on biomass gasification for
electricity production (in french, if possible) ?

A "energy week" will be held in march at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). I have
there some friends. They want to present some video on gasification at the
national television.

thanks very much


Frederic Bourgois

Unite TERM
2, place du Levant
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel : 32-10/47.83.98
fax : 32-10/45.26.92

email :




From gayathri at Sun Jan 19 23:26:56 1997
From: gayathri at (Gayathri)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: video on biomass gasification for electricity production
Message-ID: <>

Mr. Fredderic B,

We do have video on Biomass GAsification
for Electric production.
for electricity production.
In case u need more info please call us.


Mrs. Gayathri V
Project Engineer
Combustion Gasification and Propulsion Lab.
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
IISc . Bangalore 560 012 Phone :(off) +91-80-3092338 or 3348536
(Res) :+91-80-6632717
Fax :+91-80-3341683
E-mail :

"There is nothing like impossible"


From Morten.Fossum at Wed Jan 29 15:05:26 1997
From: Morten.Fossum at (Morten Fossum)
Date: Tue Aug 31 21:07:15 2004
Subject: GAS-L: Gas composition
Message-ID: <>

Hello list members

As a part of my PhD study I working on characterization of LCV gases. I
have started with laminar flame velocity (experimental and CHEMKIN) and
will continue with flame geomtry where I also plan to include radiation.
Furthermore I'm planning to look at NOx emissions from both premixed and
diffusion flames.

The litterature gives a lot of references on typical gas composition in
terms of varation area for the different components, and I also have
litterature giving the gas composition from lab scale units and larger units.

I guess the litterature I have gives a represenative picture of the gas
composition from commercial biomass gasification plants, but nevertheless,
here's a free offer. If anyone of you out there have a spesific request or
suggestion on a gas composition that could be of interest for the work I'm
going to do I would be very pleased if you contacted me.

So far I have been looking at gas composition from air blown biomass
gasifiers, but also steam and oxygen gasifiers are of interest.

Of course, I if you have comments or other information related to the
topics I'm working on , please contact me (actually I have not found that
much litterature on flame velocity and flame geometry for LCV or MCV gases
in the litterature).


Morten Fossum
SINTEF ENERY, Dep. of Thermal Energy and Hydropower
7034 Trondheim

Tel.: +47 73 59 25 14
Fax.: +47 73 59 28 89